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Gravatar Not Working

Is something up with my Gravatar? My Gravatar used to appear correctly before. I use the same email on here, and on gravatar, yet it's not proper. I triple checked gravatar, and it works on other sites.


The email Github is returning for you is [email protected]:

md5('[email protected]') = b0118ac36d373acb24122c8183b087b4

Your gravatar corresponds to this email: https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/b0118ac36d373acb24122c8183b087b4?s=48&r=pg&d=identicon

Thanks, It appears adding an additional email to GitHub may have caused this, or if I am totally mistaken. :)

Mine is also not working, I'm guessing it's looking at my GitHub noreply email address rather than my actual email?

Aha, corrected in GitHub settings :)

@Phalcon - what email address is github returning for me? Whenever I login it says it's returning the noreply address, but I don't have that set up.


Your email is [email protected], not sure what setting makes Github return users this way

@Phalcon - what email address is github returning for me? Whenever I login it says it's returning the noreply address, but I don't have that set up.

There's a setting under "Emails" to "keep my email address private". The address it's returning is what would be returned if I have that option on, but I don't.

I assume the address you're seeing is what's returned from the API? I'm going to contact GitHub help but I want to make sure I'm asking for help about the right thing.


It's the email that returns this API call using our tokens: https://api.github.com/users/phalcon

@quasipickle it's getting my email address from the "edit profile" page https://github.com/settings/profile

@Phalcon @Rewt0r

I didn't have my email address set it the "Profile" section, just the "Email" section. Now that I've added it to the "Profile" section, it appears in the API call.