I have a table :
Table: user_points
id int(11) AI PK
point tinyint(4)
create_date datetime
user_id int(11)
post_id int(11)
comment_id int(11)
post_rating_id int(11)
article_rating_id int(11)
I would like to sum the points and write it out to the screen, with the user_name. The user_name come from the users table... I create 2 different query for this, and i got an interesting result. The 2 query is the following:
return \Baseapp\Models\UserPoints::find(array('columns'=>'*, sum(point) AS sumatory', 'conditions'=>'create_date >= :date_from: AND create_date <= :date_to:', 'bind'=>array('date_from'=>$this->date_from,'date_to'=>$this->date_to), 'group'=>'user_id', 'order'=>'sumatory DESC', 'limit'=>20));
return $this->getDi()->get('modelsManager')->createQuery('SELECT *,sum(point) AS sumatory FROM \Baseapp\Models\UserPoints WHERE create_date >= :date_from: AND create_date <= :date_to: GROUP BY user_id ORDER BY sumatory DESC LIMIT 20')->execute(array('date_from'=>$this->date_from,'date_to'=>$this->date_to));
After this, the resultset is the so annoying for me:
Object Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row (
->article_rating_id = Object Baseapp\Models\UserPoints extends Baseapp\Models\BaseModel (
->id = Numeric string (1) "1"
->point = Numeric string (1) "2"
->create_date = String (19) "2014-09-22 12:15:29"
->user_id = Numeric string (1) "1"
->post_id = NULL
->comment_id = NULL
->post_rating_id = Numeric string (2) "17"
->article_rating_id = NULL
Baseapp\Models\UserPoints methods: 65 (
->sumatory = Numeric string (2) "23"
Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Row methods: 7 (
You can see that, the last table field is got the full Model object, why the last filed, why not the model model name?