Now, that we’re in touch with Phalcon Team members, and knowing that they're a small crew of two/three developers, I'd discuss the roadmap from remaining issues open in Github.
I’ve been working a bit on classify current issues based on labels:
- NFR (New feature requests): 192
- Bugs (Low/Medium/High): 67 + 6 = 74
- Need information/feedback: 45
- Unclassified: 184
and have come up with conclusions below:
A greater number of issues represent requests for framework improvements, new features or changes in the actual behavior. Likewise, most of them have no answers from any member of Phalcon Team.
The second slice of cake, something I called "unclassified". Nobody has taken the time to see if it is a new request or a bug. A fairly simple task that does not require advanced technical knowledge.
- 74 bugs opened many of them quite old (more than 1 year). Any idea when they will be addressed?
To that end, I strongly want to know the opinion of phalcon team members regarding this. As there is no one dedicated to the framework, I hope it does not take too long to respond.