I'm evaluating possibilities of elastic search related to Phalcon (version 2 in my case). I already checked the implementation of phosphorum to get an idea.
What my implementation does at the moment:
- Query to elastic search
- Iterate over result to get ids of model entries
- Use QueryBuilder to look after this ids in MySQL database
- Pagination with this QueryBuilder as parameter
Here some code snippets:
// query builder
$builder = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder()
->join('Bf\Model\Address', 'Bf\Model\Author.id = AuthorAddress.author', 'AuthorAddress')
// after elastic search I have a list of ids and add them as clause to builder
$builder->inWhere('Bf\Model\Blog.id', $hitIds); // hitIds = array with ids found by elastic search
// and finally the paginator
$paginator = new QueryBuilder(
"limit"=> 500,
"page" => $page,
'builder' => $builder
$page = $paginator->getPaginate();
// page is assigned to volt template to build up list
$this->view->page = $page;
Now the issue description ;-)
With increasing number of ids returned by elastic search and inserted to QueryBuilder->inWhere() request gets extremly slow:
- 1 id found: 0.02 sec.
- 1000 ids found: 0.24 sec.
- 10000 ids found: ~20 sec!!!
The time is used somewhere in QueryBuilder where the statement is parsed.
Any ideas how to speed up? Maybe another implementation for getting phalcon models?