Hey guys,
My Joomla 3 website currently gets about 2000+ unique visitors everyday with over 50k users and server cost is hitting the roof although i'm making enough to pay for the server cost. However, I plan to build something better and found Phalcon.
I have never had any MVC experience and my coding is limited to html/css, javascript/jquery, little php/mysql. I've been working with Joomla and Wordpress for over 5 years now mainly due to the reason that its very easy to setup and get going.
My question being, how easy/difficult will it be to setup a website with user login/logout, user permission/role, profile system with make friends capability, job portal, discussion forum (sort of), events system, etc? Is there any template/module where i can just install and get things going or do i have to create everything from scratch?
Also, I heard i have to create both frontend and backend (for my team), is this correct? in Joomla/WP, there's a backend as well as frontend provided although i always end up playing with the codes to make changes to design or its functionality.
I'm so new to MVC frameworks although has heard a great deal about it. Kindly explain in as much detail as possible. I'm a real newbie.