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Missing events in database?

Hi, is it possible that event afterConnect, beforeDisconnect and beforeTransaction, which are mentioned in documentation are not implemented?

I created a sqlite3 impmentation:


$di = new \Phalcon\DI\FactoryDefault();

$di->set('db', function() {
  $eventsManager = new Phalcon\Events\Manager();
  $eventsManager->attach('db', function($event, $connection) {
    echo 'Event fired: ' . $event->getType() . PHP_EOL;

  $connection = new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Sqlite([
    'dbname' => __DIR__ . '/db.sqlite'

  return $connection;

$db = $di->get('db');
$db->query("SELECT * FROM test");
$db->query("SELECT * FROM test");

And it dump following:

Event fired: beginTransaction
Event fired: beforeQuery
Event fired: afterQuery
Event fired: rollbackTransaction
Event fired: beginTransaction
Event fired: beforeQuery
Event fired: afterQuery
Event fired: commitTransaction

afterConnect, beforeDisconnect and beforeTransaction are not even fired. Can you paste here a doc link?

But there is no beforeTransaction event, i can see two events afterConnect and beforeDisconnect is missing in my ex.

I confirm these events don't exists either in 1.3.4 either in 2.0.0 (cf https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon/blob/2.0.0/phalcon/db/adapter/pdo.zep search for all "db:" text, it's all db events)/


+1 The absence of these events is very complicated debug logging in particular with division into sessions. In 2.1.0 RC1 Still did not appear.