I found a very strange behavior. Table 'templates' in my DB has 2 records.
When I try fetch them using code:
->where('template_status = 1')
->andWhere('delete_datetime IS NULL')
->andWhere('id_template_format = :idFormat:', array('idFormat' => 1), array('idFormat' => \Phalcon\Db\Column::BIND_PARAM_STR))
->andWhere('id_template_type = :idType:', array('idType' => 1), array('idType' => \Phalcon\Db\Column::BIND_PARAM_INT))
I get 2 records - correctly.
However, if I use this in Templates model:
->andWhere('id_template_format = :idFormat:', array('idFormat' => 1), array('idFormat' => \Phalcon\Db\Column::BIND_PARAM_INT))
->andWhere('id_template_type = :idType:', array('idType' => 1), array('idType' => \Phalcon\Db\Column::BIND_PARAM_STR))
I don't get any records.
Furthermore, when I use:
->andWhere('id_template_format = :idFormat:', array('idFormat' => 1), array('idFormat' => \Phalcon\Db\Column::BIND_PARAM_STR))
->andWhere('id_template_type = :idType:', array('idType' => 1), array('idType' => \Phalcon\Db\Column::BIND_PARAM_STR))
I get only 1 record.
I did not find any information about this type of error. I'll be very grateful for any help.