I have URLs with slugs like so: /object/123/label/some+nice%2B+stuff+%26+then+some (the original label being 'some nice+ stuff & then some', url encoded)
Unfortunately the '%2B' (+) and '%26' seem to get stripped out resulting in 'some nice stuff ' for the label param. So the %2B is converted to a space (there are two spaces between the words 'nice' and 'stuff' ), and the '%26' seems to be interpreted as a param separator, since the resulting param string is cut off at this point.
The param is apparently being url-decoded and in the process stripped of special chars? The $_GET['_url'] variable is already stripped as well, so I cannot use this.
My route is: $router->add('/object/{id:[0-9]}/label/{label:.}', 'MyController::label'); In my controller I have: public function labelAction($id, $label){}
I know I can resolve this by adding a querystring param ( ?label=some+nice%2B+stuff+%26+then+some ) but that doesn't feel like it should be the way to do this in Phalcon.
It is not really a problem for me since the slugs are only there for the purpose of having a nicer URL to look at, but I can imagine this being a problem in other cases.
Please advise how I should approach this 'Phalcon-style'.