Getting along with my project here. I have a question though for which I have failed to find instructions.
I have a table of "group"(s), and a table of "item"(s). These are synced through a relational table (groups_items), since groups can contain an arbitrary number of items, and items can belong to an arbitrary number of groups. Now, what I want to do is this:
$group->getItems(array("id > ?0", array(0 => 10)));
I can't do this though, since there's no direct relation between groups and items. I can do:
And then try to filter my results from the relations, but I'd like to do this directly in the ORM. The main problem here is the arguments I guess, even though I can't do 'getItem' and return all related records from the ResultsetSimple either. Can someone please hint me in the right direction?
Best regards, dimhoLt