Hi, I'm totally new to Phalcon and probably I am missing something in the docs, but I cannot understand how view work. I created 2 controllers:
IndexController with a IndexAction method
IssuesController with a IndexAction and ReadAction methods
I have problems loading views (which use the Volt templating engine). My views folder looks like this:
- views
- issues
- index.volt
- read.volt
- index.volt
I was pretty sure that with this structure if I access https://mysite the IndexController\IndexAction should load /views/index.volt and accessing https://mysite/issues the IssuesController\indexAction should load the /views/issues/index.volt and then https://mysite/issues/read is "controlled by IssuesController\ViewAction and is supposed to render /views/issues/read.volt
What happens is that /views/index.volt is always rendered and I didn't find a way to make the correct template to be rendered. Any help?
Thank you in advance, SImone