HI All,
How can I store an array value in a phalcon session and also update the array value when required? I am rewriting a legacy system and it uses a lot of $_SESSION vars all over the place.
This is an example array that is saved in the session :
$summary = array('name' => "Joe", age => 50);
$address1 = array('street_no' => 50, 'name' => "Atlantis");
$address2 = array('street_no' => 50, 'name' => "Atlantis Town");
// Normal session
$_SESSION['person']['summary'] = $summary;
$_SESSION['person']['summary']['address'] = $address;
// updating the normal sesison address
$_SESSION['person']['summary']['address'] = $addres2;
How would I then set and update the session details in Phalcon? I need to use the exact same structure.
I already use the following but how can I update the exsiting session data.
// Using the phalcon method.
$session->set('person', $person);
//now only update the address of the session