Hi Phalcon Community. I'm going to interview Andres Gutierrez the creator of Phalconphp. I want to get to know more about him, his vision of phalcon and what he sees as the future of the framework with v2, Zephir and the upcomming PHP 7.
At my company, we love Phalcon, we use it for most of our projects, but we know that it's still lacking awareness compared to other frameworks. So, in order to change that, we are going to launch phalcon.io, a place where we the comunity can actively share their knowlege via tutorials and video tutorials to help to take this framework to another level.
Our first step is to intreview the creator. So what I would like to ask the comunity now is for questions that you would like Andres to answer. Once I have the list of questions I'll send it to Andres and post the answers here at the forum and as our first release at phalcon.io.