I'm just getting started with Phalcon and currently am getting the error:
Notice: A session had already been started - ignoring session_start()
In my services.php file I have the following code blocks:
$di->set('session', function () {
$session = new SessionAdapter(array('uniqueId' => 'TEST'));
return $session;
$di->set('security', function() {
$security = new Security();
return $security;
}, true);
And I am using the Security script from Milad on this page:
class Security extends \Phalcon\Security
public function getTokenKey($numberBytes = 13)
$key = '$PHALCON/CSRF/KEY$';
$tokenKey = \Phalcon\DI::getDefault()->get('session')->$key;
if ($tokenKey)
return $tokenKey;
return parent::getTokenKey($numberBytes);
public function getToken($numberBytes = 32)
$key = '$PHALCON/CSRF$';
$token = \Phalcon\DI::getDefault()->get('session')->$key;
if ($token)
return $token;
return parent::getToken($numberBytes);
Please can anyone advice why I am getting this error.