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Oauth2 in Phalcon

Hi everybody

I'm doing my thesis and I am using Phalcon, but I encountered some problems. I try to add to api the oauth 2 functions to support more security in request. I am new in phalcon and new in the use of oauth.

Any suggestions?, thanks!

I've successfully integrated this in a project before: https://github.com/thephpleague/oauth2-server

Have some practical example where you can see? I am newbie in Phalcon and I have a multi-module application, one of these modules I have an api, the idea is that the api count on OAuth2, but I found it a bit problematic, since Never use OAuth2 and being new to Phalcon is twofold the work.

Thanks for your help

edited Apr '15

this forum using OAuth for integrationg github :)

and its built with phalcon