Can you tell me if its possible to set absolute paths when using volt partials and similar?
This works {{ partial("../../common/layouts/master/includes/leaderboard/tertiary") }}
This breaks {{ partial("/home/project/common/layouts/master/includes/leaderboard/tertiary") }}
All the paths seem to be restricted to only be able to respond to relative paths.
When using common views this seems to be a complete nightmare as sometimes you may be trying to call the same files from various locations, in which causes the relative urls to break.
in most cases you end up duplicating views with the changes made to the paths.
For a supposedly scalable framework this seems very silly to add such restrictions. Whos crazy design was this?
Developers need the possibility to use Absolute and relative paths as they desire. I hate when people create frameworks yet strip out the use of basic things which people need.
whats the point of it being a framework if you remove basic common concepts? maybe it should be called a lamework!!
does anbody know how to fix this, or are there any hacks for this this is very frustrating. i dont want to make duplicate views / layouts in order to repair this issue.
I need a way to use absolute paths. Relative paths are not acceptable in my circumstances
Thanks Daniel