I'm trying to convert my current working model to phalcon
I had lots of controllers in my modules also some of my controllers are overcrowded.
so I want to group some of my controllers under same module (I'm avere of sub controller concept I'm looking for a bit more)
What I'm looking for is,
app/domain/admin/modules/mod1/controller app/domain/admin/modules/mod1/model app/domain/admin/modules/mod1/view
app/domain/admin/modules/mod2/controller app/domain/admin/modules/mod2/model app/domain/admin/modules/mod2/view
app/domain/site/modules/mod1/controller app/domain/site/modules/mod1/model app/domain/site/modules/mod1/view
Plus I do not want to write maintain large route files.
If it was possible with current implementation could you give me some examples please.
My best regards...