The purpose is to have sections of controllers automatically recognized/loaded byt the autoloader, and having uris and actions automatically created/recognized

File structure

Controllers has several subdirs, one for each subsection of the site. Here "Subdir" is an example.


view file structure, this needs special treatment in the controllers (see below). "view/subdir" is paired to the controllers/Subdir controllers, the "some" folders corresponds to the SomeController and the "show.volt" file corresponds to the SomeController::someAction().


Loader, tells phalcon the correlation between folders and namespaces. Phalcon now translates everything into namespaces as a pseudo file structure.

$loader = new \Phalcon\Loader();

        'MyApp\Controllers' => dirname(__DIR__) ."/controllers",
        'MyApp\Models'      => dirname(__DIR__) ."/models",
        'MyApp\Library'     => dirname(__DIR__) ."/library",
        'MyApp\Forms'       => dirname(__DIR__) ."/forms",


Router, each subdir route needs three versions of the route:

# router

$router = new Phalcon\Mvc\Router();

# catch all/index routes (effectively the default route)

 * effectively the default namespace regardless of other settings
 * at least for routes
        'namespace' => 'MyApp\Controllers',
        "controller" => "index",
        "action" => "index",
# index with action, params
        "namespace" => 'MyApp\Controllers',
        "controller" => "index",
        "action" => 1,
        "params" => 2,

# index with action
        "namespace" => 'MyApp\Controllers',
        "controller" => "index",
        "action" => 1,

# mysite/subdir/ routes

# controller with action, params
        "namespace" => 'MyApp\Controllers\Subdir',
        "controller" => 1,
        "action" => 2,
        "params" => 3,
#  subdir/:controller/index
        "namespace" => 'MyApp\Controllers\Subdir',
        "controller" => 1,
# subdir/index/index
        "namespace" => 'MyApp\Controllers\Subdir',
        "controller" => "index",

The controller.

Note how a view is picked based on the matched route, this was the only way I could find to make this automatic. This plays together with the way controllers are automatically loaded.

# base controller for all controllers in Subdir
namespace MyApp\Controllers\Subdir;

use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;

class SubdirControllerBase extends Controller
  public function initialize()
      # trick to emulate selection of view according to class structure
      $cname = $this->router->getControllerName();
      $aname = $this->router->getActionName()?:'index';

#--------------- SomeController.php -----------------
namespace MyApp\Controllers\Subdir;

class SomeController extends SubdirControllerBase
  public function initialize()

  public function showAction()
    $x = "hello";
    $this->view->x = $x;


The volt template

{#--------------- show.volt -----------------#}
{{ content() }}

{% if x is defined %}
  {{ x }}
{% endif %}