Hello, sorry for bad eng. How i make query from 3 tables and return custom array, example my old code:
function GetAllCourses() {
global $DBH, $settings;
$result = $DBH->query("SELECT l.id, l.section_id, s.title as 'section_title', s.created_time, s.closed_time, l.instructor_id, l.title, l.video_id, l.presentation_id, l.free_access, i.name
FROM {$settings['db_prefix']}_lectures l, {$settings['db_prefix']}_sections s, {$settings['db_prefix']}_instructors i
WHERE l.section_id = s.id AND l.instructor_id = i.id");
$object = array();
while($row = $result->fetch())
$object['allcount'] = $i;
$object[$row['section_id']]['free'] = $row['free_access'];
$object[$row['section_id']]['title'] = $row['section_title'];
$object[$row['section_id']]['created_time'] = $row['created_time'];
$object[$row['section_id']]['closed_time'] = $row['closed_time'];
$object[$row['section_id']]['author'] = $row['name'];
$object[$row['section_id']]['lectures'][$i] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'instructor' => $row['name'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'video_id' => $row['video_id'], 'presentation_id' => $row['presentation_id'], 'free_access' => $row['free_access']);
return $object;
In NEW array key is a value $row['section_id'] from SQL result. How i can rewrite this on phalcon? Pls Help