Hi everyone.
I'm having a problem in my project, and I'm not sure if it is because something I did or not. I used Phalcon\Loader to register a namespace - App.
$loader = new \Phalcon\Loader();
$namespaces = array() ;
$namespaces["App"] = realpath(__DIR__ ."/../App/") ;
$loader->registerNamespaces( $namespaces ) ;
Aftewards, i created classes under this namespace (following PSR-4 standards). For example :
- App
- Test1
- Class1. php (class Class1 with namespace App\Test1)
- Test2
- Class1.php (class Class1 with namespace App\Test2)
- Test1
It all works really nicely, but if I happen to use a namespace containing the registered one - for example:
- App
- TestingApp
- Class2.php (class Class2 with namespace App\TestingApp)
- TestingApp
I get a fatal error of class not found. The loader doesn't seem to find the Class2 class when I use the fully qualified name (App\TestingApp\Class2).
Did someone else came across this type of problem?