Phalcon 2.0.1 / Php 5.5.12-2ubuntu4.4 / Ubuntu 14.10
I am using the QueryBuilder together with Paginator.
Here is my original code:
public function getOrgIssueList($org_id, $page = 1, $limit = 20)
$builder = $this->getModelsManager()->createBuilder()
->from(array('i' => 'GQ\Models\Issue', 'p' => 'GQ\Models\Paper'))
->andWhere('p.org_id=' . $org_id)
->orderBy('issue DESC');
$paginator = new QueryBuilder(array(
"builder" => $builder,
"limit" => $limit,
"page" => $page
return $paginator->getPaginate();
Everything looks fine, but I got the strange error while fetching results from the Paginator.
Column 'paper_id' is not part of the column map
As I took a deep look inside the resultset, I found the _columnMap was set to the ColumnMap of GQ\Models\Paper rather than GQ\Models\Issue (which was desired).
//reverse the array in the 'from' syntax
->from(array('i' => 'GQ\Models\Issue', 'p' => 'GQ\Models\Paper'))
->from(array('p' => 'GQ\Models\Paper', 'i' => 'GQ\Models\Issue'))
And everything was fine by now. But I still think it is a problem need to be solved.