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Micro Application wildcard routes

I want following urls to match one route:




So I defined route as follow :

# Webservice proxy Controller
$proxy = new MicroCollection();
$proxy->setHandler('ProxyController', true);
$proxy->get('/{webservice}/:params', 'getAction');

And controller :

class ProxyController extends Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

  public function getAction($webservice){

    $params = $this->dispatcher->getParams();

I do have the $webservice but how can I access the others? $params is always empty.

Thanks for your comments.

Is $this->getDI()->getParams() work?


Nop. When I call


I get an object Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault and there is no getParams function.

Are you accessing the routes like: /proxy/something/x/y/z ?


Yes exactly.

I have the same problem, is there already a solution?

edited Nov '15

I found a way to access the requested url via Phalcon\Http\Request

class ProxyController extends Phalcon\Mvc\Controller

  public function getAction($webservice){

    # Get request
    $request = new Phalcon\Http\Request();
    $query   = $request->getQuery();

    #  Get path
    $path = $query['_url'];

With this object you can access the requested path, Post, Get or raw body of the request

# Check method

# Post fields
$post = $request->getPost();

# Request body
$raw = $request->getRawBody();