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Image Adapter Pixelate Bug?


I'm trying to pixelate a image via GD library using the following code

$images = '../uploads/';

$image = new Phalcon\Image\Adapter\GD($images. 'input.jpg');
$image->save($images. 'output.jpg');

and I'm getting a weird result where only certain areas are being pixelated.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

edited Jul '15

No. I think it's not Bug. Try use smaller pixelate paramteter



It's doing this with any value I throw at it, always leaving same non-rendered pixel square in between. Since (2) is really tiny to see it, here's one with a value of (10).

No. I think it's not Bug. Try use smaller pixalate paramteter


edited Jul '15

Ok. I understand what do you mean now :) Can you try this:


class GdExtendPixelate extends \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd
    protected function _pixelate($amount)
        $x = 0;
        while ($x < $this->_width) {
            $y = 0;
            while ($y < $this->_height) {
                $x1 = $x + $amount/2;
                $y1 = $y + $amount/2;
                $color = imagecolorat($this->_image, $x1, $y1);

                $x2 = $x + $amount;
                $y2 = $y + $amount;
                imagefilledrectangle($this->_image, $x, $y, $x2, $y2, $color);

                $y += $amount;
            $x += $amount;

and then

$images = '../uploads/';

$image = new GdExtendPixelate($images. 'input.jpg');
$image->pixelate(10); //or 5, or 10, or ....
$image->save($images. 'output.jpg');


Perfect! Thank you so much.

Ok. I understand what do you mean now :) Can you try this:


class GdExtendPixelate extends \Phalcon\Image\Adapter\Gd
   protected function _pixelate($amount)
       $x = 0;
       while ($x < $this->_width) {
           $y = 0;
           while ($y < $this->_height) {
               $x1 = $x + $amount/2;
               $y1 = $y + $amount/2;
               $color = imagecolorat($this->_image, $x1, $y1);

               $x2 = $x + $amount;
               $y2 = $y + $amount;
               imagefilledrectangle($this->_image, $x, $y, $x2, $y2, $color);

               $y += $amount;
           $x += $amount;

and then

$images = '../uploads/';

$image = new GdExtendPixelate($images. 'input.jpg');
$image->pixelate(10); //or 5, or 10, or ....
$image->save($images. 'output.jpg');