Hi all,
My config file, which gets parsed and loads just fine when loading from web-oriented code, generates a number of errors when I try to load it from the CLI. The code in my config.php file looks like this
$Config = new Phalcon\Config([
/* array of configuration data */
]); // <-- This is line 115
return $Config
The error is:
PHP Warning: Phalcon\Config::__construct(): Property should be string in /path/to/app/config/config.php on line 115
repeated 3 times
Pulling stuff out of my config array until the problem went away, I see the error is caused by this property:
,'roles' => [
1 => 'Admin'
,2 => 'Employee'
,3 => 'Student'
Ok, the error makes sense now, but why it's happening is still a mystery. I'm using the exact same file for my web-based code and it's not causing a problem. Plus, when I wrap the 1, 2 & 3 in quotes, I still get the error.
Update: Forgot to mention I'm running 1.3.0