Hi everyone! And sorry for my english.
I have table with some integer fields NULL DEFAULT '0' and I have this php code on phalcon v2.0.3:
$robot = new Robots();
$robot->email = $this->request->getPost('email', 'email');
$robot->ip = $this->request->getClientAddress(true);
//I skip fields with default values
if ($robot->save()) { //after this save() skipped fields have value 0, all right
if ($this->request->hasFiles(true)) {
foreach ($this->request->getUploadedFiles(true) as $file) {
if ($robot->image_id == 0) {
$robot->image_id = $images->id;
$robot->save(); //but after this save() skipped fields have value NULL, why?
I tried
but it's not help me, I tried annotations, but it's not help me.
If i use
$robot2 = Robots::findFirst($robot->id);
$robot2->image_id = $images->id;
instead of second
all right.