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Radio group

This is quite rough still. Its incredibly easy to make this by just extending \Phalcon\Forms\Element. Initially I did it in a roundabout way, which was very difficult, not going to show that :p

        $postType = new RadioGroup("post_type", [
            'elements' => Posts::postTypes(),
            'class' => 'pure-button button-white segment-item'


            new StringLength([
                'min' => 1,
                'max' => 1,
                'messageMaximum' => 'Too many characters for Post Type field',
                'messageMinimum' => 'Post Type field cannot be empty',
                'cancelOnFail' => true
            new Regex([
                'pattern' => '/[a-z]/',
                'message' => 'Post Type contained out of bounds characters',
                'cancelOnFail' => true

        if ($post) {


I'd totally appreciate it if anyone has any tips or to share your own code, because this is probably lacking some crucial thing. But it does work for what I need, Phalcon will apply the validators and filters, and bind() also work. As you can see, I didn't have to do anything for that to work, Phalcon did it, nice!

Update: I had a setChecked() method, that was not needed and caused problems on save.


namespace Library\Forms\Element;

class RadioGroup extends \Phalcon\Forms\Element
    private $checked = null;

     * More decoration than the regular render, does similar things, probably incomplete.
     * Supported attributes:
     * string   `label`             The entire group's label
     * array    `elements`      Key, value associated array
     * string   `class`             The CSS selectors for each HTML LABEL element
     * @param array $attributes Render time attributes, will override what was set earlier.
     * @return string A set of HTML radio elements.
    public function render($attributes = [])
        // Overrides any attribute set earlier
        if (!empty($attributes)) {
            foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) {
                $this->setAttribute($key, $val);

        $attr = $this->getAttributes();
        $rendered = isset($attr['label']) ? '<h3>' . $attr['label'] . '</h3>' : ''; // H3 NOT FINAL
        $cssClass = isset($attr['class']) ? ' class="'.$attr['class'].'"' : '';

        $eleName = $this->getName() . '_';

        foreach($attr['elements'] as $key => $label) {

            $checked = '';
            if ($key == $this->getValue()) {
                $checked = ' checked="true"';

            $rendered .= '
    <label for="'.$eleName . $key.'"'.$cssClass.'><input type="radio"'.$checked.' id="'.$eleName . $key. '" name="'.$this->getName().'" value="'.$key.'"> ' .
        $label . '</label>' ;

        return $rendered;


<div class="button-group">
    echo $form->render('post_type'), PHP_EOL;


<div class="button-group">                 
    <label for="post_type_p" class="segment-item"><input type="radio" id="post_type_p" name="post_type" value="p"> Page</label>
    <label for="post_type_b" class="segment-item"><input type="radio" checked="true" id="post_type_b" name="post_type" value="b"> Blog</label>
    <label for="post_type_u" class="segment-item"><input type="radio" id="post_type_u" name="post_type" value="u"> Utility</label>


it works great!, this is exactly what I am looking for, thanks for sharing.

Yes, thanks you so much

edited Jul '16

This is my Checkboxlist Phalcon 2.1. Share for you

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: thanhansoft
 * Date: 4/29/2016
 * Time: 4:21 PM

namespace App\Vendor\Fdola\Forms;

use Phalcon\Http\Request;
use Phalcon\Tag;

class CheckBoxList extends \Phalcon\Forms\Element {
    private $_data;
    private $_dataOld;

    public function __construct($name, $data, $dataOld = null, $attribute = null) {
        $this->_data = $data;
        $this->_dataOld = $dataOld;
        parent::__construct($name, $attribute);

    public function render($attribute = null) {
        $get_value = $this->getValue();
        if ($get_value) {
            $data = $get_value;
        } else {
            $data = $this->_dataOld;

        $tag = new Tag();
        $string = '';
        if ($this->_data) {
            foreach ($this->_data as $key => $value) {
                $arr = ['id' => $this->_name . '-' . $key, 'name' => $this->_name . '[]', 'value' => $key];

                if ($data && in_array($key, $data)) {
                    $arr['checked'] = 'checked';

                $string .= '<label>' . $tag::checkField($arr) . ' ' . $value . '</label>';

        if (isset($this->_attributes['class'])) return '<div class="' . $this->_attributes['class'] . '">' . $string . '</div>';
        return $string;

How to USE

$cat = new \App\Vendor\Fdola\Forms\CheckBoxList('element', ['key'=> 'Name']);
        $cat->setLabel('List Checkbox:' . $required);
            new \Phalcon\Validation\Validator\PresenceOf([
                'message' => '<b>:field</b> Not null'

This is my website CMS using phalcon 2.1 https://thanhansoft.xyz/