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Can Phalcon work with Couchbase?

I just discovered Phalcon and I'm "eating" through the tutorials to get started, therefore I may be asking an FAQ. I was wondering if Phalcon can support Couchbase (https://www.couchbase.com/), which uses the same protocol as Memcache, instead of MongoDB. I know that MongoDB is good, it's just that Couchbase would be preferable for the project I would be working on. Thanks in advance for the answers.

Hi! Phalcon is exstension framework and couchebase have exstension for it https://www.couchbase.com/communities/php/getting-started U cat inziliaze connection and set id in DI. $di->set('couchebaseConnection', new Couchbase("", "", "", "default")); and use where u wont. But if u would like to cache with it u can write class like a \Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Memcache. https://docs.phalcon.io/en/latest/api/Phalcon_Cache_BackendInterface.html https://docs.phalcon.io/en/latest/api/Phalcon_Cache_Backend.html sry for my en :)


Thanks for the reply. I forgot that Phalcon also works with "plain" PHP. :D