I'm very new to Phalcon and excited. I've watched tutorials and get the basics of Phalcon's controllers and view hierarchy but I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around what I would like to achieve. I currently have a header, footer, side left panel and Main Content all loading using the regular hierarchical rendering mixed with some partials in my DashboardController file. Currently the Main Content area is empty as I'd like my widgets to load in there. In my old php project I have a folder of 'apps' where each app is built from pure php (no frameworks) and I simply include each folder and load the app into a sub view in the Main Content area.
(app folder structure example)
So my questions are:
- In Phalcon, how can I look into an apps folder, with no phalcon structure just regular php, and load that in my empty Main Content area in my DashboardController?
- Eventually I'll convert those apps to all use phalcon controllers and views so how would I then render that app view inside the Main Content area?
All in all how do I render an external view within a view?
This may or may not be too complex to answer so any tips, advice or some form of direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch.