Hey Guys,
So i have my Uploads going into a special non-public then i need to access them in app. the uplodas can be images or pdfs etc. bunch of different file types.
I then server them through this function its a work in progress, i really am not a big fan but it is working.
public function indexAction($imageId = null, $resize = 0){
$file = Files::findFirstById($imageId);
$name = BASE_DIR.'/uploads/'.$file->fileName;
$realName = $file->realFileName;
$mime = $file->fileMime;
if ($resize > 0 && exif_imagetype($name) !== NULL){
$resizeName = $name.'-'.$resize;
return $this->smart_resize_image(
$name = $resizeName;
$fp = fopen($name, 'rb');
header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
header("Content-Type: ". $mime);
header("Content-Length: ". filesize($name));
header("Content-Disposition: ". 'attachment; filename="' . $realName . '"');
So an example of this in use is this.
<!-- here i server up a fill size image if clicked on -->
<a href="file/index/1">
<!-- but the thumbnail is only 150px -->
<!-- i also defer the image resizing until it is actualyl requested after upload -->
<img src="file/index/1/150">
The problem is that the function seems to be throwing back a response before the image resize completes.
Here is my folder structure for those who care. /app /public /uploads etc