sum方法报错:Column 'SUMATORY' doesn't make part of the column map
count方法报错:Column 'ROWCOUNT' doesn't make part of the column map
Are you using Phalcon 2.0.6?
我用的是Phalcon 2.0.3。
Phalcon 2.0.6可以吗?
There is an option in 2.0.6 to avoid these kind of exceptions:
\Phalcon\Mvc\Model::setup(["ignoreUnknownColumns" => true]);
升级到Phalcon 2.0.6后,新的问题又来了。
User::findFirst() 找不出结果,返回boolean false,并且测试发现,sum和count依然没有用。
Users::count() 得到的结果是 null,sum方法得到的结果也是null
Phalcon 2.0.3版本下findFirst是可以用的。
另外,ignoreUnknownColumns有作用,没有再出现上述错误:Column 'xxx' doesn't make part of the column map
不小心点到了“Accepted answer”,如何取消? 问题还是没有解决。
public static function count($parameters = NULL) { if(DB_TYPE == 'oci') { $classname = get_called_class(); $instance = new $classname; $tablename = $instance->getSource(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS ROWCOUNT FROM $tablename"; is_array($parameters) || $parameters = array($parameters); if($parameters[0]) { $sql .= " WHERE {$parameters[0]}"; } $result = $instance->getReadConnection()->fetchOne($sql, \Phalcon\Db::FETCH_ASSOC, $parameters['bind']); return (int)$result['ROWCOUNT']; } else { return parent::count($parameters); } }