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Redirection problem after using ajax to POST and model save

Hi, I have a basic sign up form and my javascript is as follow:

$("#signUpButton").click(function() {
    var confirmation = $('#rform-confirmation').is(':checked');

    if(confirmation) {
        var firstname = $("#rform-firstname").val();
        var lastname = $('#rform-lastname').val();
        var email = $('#rform-email').val();
        var password = $('#rform-password').val();
        var rpassword = $('#rform-rpassword').val();
        var tokenKey = $('#rform-csrf').attr('name');
        var token = $('#rform-csrf').val();



            url: '/register/doRegister',
            type: 'POST',
                firstname: firstname,
                lastname: lastname,
                email: email,
                password: password,
                rpassword: rpassword,
                tokenKey: tokenKey,
                token: token
            success: function(res) {
    } else {
        alert('Please agree to the Terms of Service.');
        return false;

Now I have this in my controller:

$send = $user->addUser($email, $pwd, $fname, $lname);
     $this->flash->success('You have registered successfully');

The functionality works fine (ie. it saves into the model and everything else) but it just reloads the page and somehow I can see that in the url bar in the browser shows the information of the POST. The flash message will come after I physically clicked on another link. I tried doing different redirect path in $this->response->redirect('signin'); or $this->response->redirect($this->get->url('signin'); still does not work. Though if I use the same redirection in other function they work perfectly.

edited Aug '15

You can't redirect in an AJAX request.

I would return true (or success) in the controller and inside of the success function in your AJAX request do a location.href = "/signin"

edited Aug '15

I see. Thanks alot. But the flash message will not show up.

You can't redirect in an AJAX request.

I would return true (or success) in the controller and inside of the success function in your AJAX request do a location.href = "/signin"

edited Sep '15

Bryan you can send back a JSON object to your javascript and then do stuff off of that.


echo json_encode(['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'a message here']);


$.post('/action/',{data: data}, function(response){
if (response['status'] == 'sucess'){
    window.location = "https://www.google.com/"
} else{
    alert (response['message']);

Oh thanks for the solution, but I ended up going back to handle the form with volt and php because of my flash message.

Bryan you can send back a JSON object to your javascript and then do stuff off of that.


echo json_encode(['status' => 'success', 'message' => 'a message here']);


$.post('/action/',{data: data}, function(response){
if (response['status'] == 'sucess'){
  window.location = "https://www.google.com/"
} else{
  alert (response['message']);