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Is there way to use OO-power of QueryBuilder with defined DB-connection? [NOT SOLVED]


My another question is about using OO-features of QueryBuilder with pre-defined DB-connection.

I know, that I can set "read connection" in the model depending on query parameters, but it is not the way I plan to produce queries to databases. My way is:

  1. Choose DB-connection (choose right database-source)
  2. Prepare query to choosen database with Query Builder
  3. Execute PHQL-query

Is it real?


your question looks very similar with the following : https://forum.phalcon.io/discussion/850/di-in-resultset-

You can select in different moments the connection you want to use for executing the query using setConnectionService(), setReadConnectionService(), setWriteConnectionService(). If I understand correctly what you wanted to do, you can try like this:


//Set the database service
$di->set('db_read', function() use ($config){
    return new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql(array(
        "host"      => $config->database_read->host,
        "username"  => $config->database_read->username,
        "password"  => $config->database_read->password,
        "dbname"    => $config->database_read->dbname,
        "charset"   => $config->database_read->encoding

$di->set('db_write', function() use ($config){
    return new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql(array(
        "host"      => $config->database_write->host,
        "username"  => $config->database_write->username,
        "password"  => $config->database_write->password,
        "dbname"    => $config->database_write->dbname,
        "charset"   => $config->database_write->encoding

And execute the query:

$content = new Content();
$result = $content->query()
      ->where('type = :type:')
      ->bind(array('type' => 1))
      ->order('id DESC')

If you are doing raw queries, there are also other ways to select the connection you want:

public function getContents(){

      $sql = "SELECt * FROM content LIMIT 10";

      $content = new Content();
      $result = $content->getDI()->get('db_read')->query($sql);

      return new Resultset(null, $content, $result);


Thank you, Vasco Pinheiro!

And execute the query:
$content = new Content();
$result = $content->query()
      ->where('type = :type:')
      ->bind(array('type' => 1))
      ->order('id DESC')

This is almost that I need and I already tried to use this method, but:

  1. I create my \Phalcon\Db object depending on number different parameters, so I just can not describe every DB-connection in \Phalcon\DI object.
  2. I want to generate one query to the 2 or more models (tables) with QueryBuilder() (for ex: \Content and \SubContent()) with \Phalcon\Db created earlier "on-the-fly".

Now, for my purposes I use selectReadConnection(), but it is realy complicated to return same connection for every Model when I produce one query to the 2 or more tables. So, I want to tell to QueryBuilder: "Hey, that's the right connection. Please, use it for this query, ok?". Is it real?