So, I'm dealing with a problem trying to use MongoDB.
In my controller I'm doing a query, something like Sites::find(); This is returning an array of Phalcon\Mvc\Collection\Document . In a normal relational database what I get is resultset, Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple.
The problem is that I want to use the result I'm getting from my controller in my .volt files. I'm not able to do it, since clearly are different sort of results. But this is not really clear to understand...
I want to use the result I'm getting from mongo to do something like:
{{ select("domain", domains, "using" : ["_id", "template"]) }}
Where of course domains is the results that I'm getting from mongo. Is there anyway to convert my result in something that the view is able to understand and render properly???
Please ideas