Hello! I am trying to implement authentification on my site due to INVO tutorial. Add EventsManager, Session, ACL. But it have no affect on any part of my application. I understand that is somewhere mistake, but I have no idea how to test it - even If put "forward" at start of my 'bedoreDispatch".
Please, can you guide me - where can be problem? I run it on Windows with nginx+php NTS (run from binaries, not WAMP or something else). Thank you!
What I have now: In my index.php
$di->set('dispatcher', function() {
$eventsManager = new EventsManager;
$eventsManager->attach('dispatch:beforeDispatch', new SecurityPlugin);
$eventsManager->attach('dispatch:beforeException', new NotFoundPlugin);
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
return $dispatcher;
My SecurityPlugin.php
use Phalcon\Acl;
use Phalcon\Acl\Role;
use Phalcon\Acl\Resource;
use Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory as AclList;
use Phalcon\Events\Event;
use Phalcon\Mvc\User\Plugin;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher;
class SecurityPlugin extends Plugin
public function getAcl()
if (!isset($this->persistent->acl))
$acl = new AclList();
$roles = array(
'user' => new Role('User'),
'guest' => new Role('Guest')
foreach ($roles as $role)
$privateResources = array(
'admin' => array('index')
foreach ($privateResources as $resource => $actions)
$acl->addResource(new Resource($resource), $actions);
foreach ($privateResources as $resource => $actions) {
foreach ($actions as $action){
$acl->deny('Guest', $resource, $action);
foreach ($privateResources as $resource => $actions) {
foreach ($actions as $action){
$acl->deny('User', $resource, $action);
public function beforeDispatch(Event $event, Dispatcher $dispatcher)
$auth = $this->session->get('auth');
if (!$auth)
$role = 'Guest';
$role = 'User';
$controller = $dispatcher->getControllerName();
$action = $dispatcher->getActionName();
$acl = $this->getAcl();
$allowed = $acl->isAllowed($role, $controller, $action);
if ($allowed != ACL::ALLOW) {
//Redirect user without priviledges to main page
'controller' => 'index',
'action' => 'index'
return false;
my SessionController.php
use Phalcon\Mvc\Controller;
class SessionController extends Controller
private function _registerSession($user)
$this->session->set('auth', array(
'id' => $user->id,
'name' => $user->name
public function loginAction()
if ($this->request->isPost())
$email = $this->request->getPost('email');
$password = $this->request->getPost('password');
$user = User::findFirst(array(
"email = :email: AND password = :password:",
'bind' => array('email' => $email,'password' => sha1($password))
if ($user != false)
return $this->response->redirect('/admin', true);
return $this->response->redirect('/', true);
public function logoutAction()
return $this->response->redirect('/', true);