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phalcon dev tools on fortrabbit

Hey there,

has anyone tried using/setting up the dev tools on fortrabbit? Any success stories?

Best, Philipp


This could be a way to use devtools in the free plan:

  1. Login via SSH

    ssh [email protected]
  2. Clone devtools or upload it devtools is cloned under the htdocs directory, assuming that your htdocs has the following structure:

I cloned it under the scripts directory:

git clone https://github.com/phalcon/phalcon-devtools scripts

The final structure would be like this:

  1. Execute devtools Since executables are not allowed there, you can run devtools using the php executable:
~/htdocs$ php scripts/phalcon.php commands
~/htdocs$ php scripts/phalcon.php model robots

A symbolic link could be made as shortcut for phalcon.php:

ln -s scripts/phalcon.php phalcon
~/htdocs$ php phalcon commands

Thanks for the heads-up!

However, phalcon kept complaining about requiring to be run in a phalcon-project-dir even though I did run it in that exact directory. Any ideas?

Best, Philipp


When a project is created using devtools it creates a hidden directory called .phalcon, devtools checks that directory exists to ensure that the project has an suitable structure to work with it.