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Run 1.3 and 2.0 on one VDS

Perhaps start phalcon 1.3 and 2.0 on the same server VDS?

ngnix + php-fpm

edited Sep '15

you have to be running diffrent php version per host ( like I do )

so your koko.com will be runing /myphp/php-5613/ and your toto.com will be running /myphp/php-5613-with-phalcon-1.3 ( as an exmaple )

a tip can be fond here : https://forum.phalcon.io/discussion/582/php-5-3-3-and-php-5-4-13-dual-installation-error

cd cphalcon/build/64bits
make clean
phpize --clean
./configure --with-php-config=/opt/rh/php5.4/usr/bin/php-config
make && sudo make install