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Can't see PHP errors in Phalcon, only outside


  • OSX Mountain Lion
  • PHP Version 5.4.16
  • Apache/2.2.22(Unix)
  • Phalcon 1.2.3

I only can see html errors like volt errors. If I forget a ";" for example, the browser don't show me the error, only a empty page.

I had try write some code outside Phalcon to see if I can see the errors and I can! But inside Phalcon any php errors doesn't show.

In php.ini I set to show errors, like this:

  • error_reporting = E_ALL | E_STRICT
  • display_errors = On

Any suggestions?


I finally resolved, I just reinstall Phalcon and everything has ok!


Hi, I've got a simular problem, I don't get errors on display from code inside controllers. To reproduce I can do the following steps:

  1. Create new project with command "phalcon create demo".
  2. Add to IndexController->indexAction: $foo = $bar;
  3. Now I got a notice error in php error log file, but the output only shows the content from index.volt.

I got an error, when I add to indexAction: $this->view->disable();

No error will display, when the action returns a response object, eq. a json response.

My environment:

  • php 5.4.16 (Zend Server)
  • xdebug
  • display_errors = ON, error_reporting = E_ALL
  • Win7
  • Phalcon 1.2.3 - Windows x86 for PHP 5.4.0 NTS (VC9)

My suggestion is to re-compile phalcon


Sorry, I'm using the windows precompiled version 1.2.3, I've forgot to say this. I can try to compile the master branch, but it will take a while, because it's will be my first time.


Hi, I found out, that is the default behavior of the controller. All output is captured and is piped to the view, same happens when use echo or simluar commands. Other issue found at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14535614/how-to-use-the-var-dump-output-directly-from-the-controller

It is unfamiliar for me, but I will have a look to php error log.

I think this behavior is because MVC structure doesn't support show variables in controller, only in views. So the only way is you make you print function by yourself, but this is a little stranger for me... Good luck