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Multi module routing without default module

Hi guys,

Is it possible to define multimodule routing without default module (setDefaultModule) ? I have same error when trying without setDefaultModule like in this thread:



use Phalcon\Mvc\Router;

$router = new Router(false);

        'module'     => 1,
        'controller' => 2,
        'action'     => 3,
        'params'     => 4

Service 'view' was not found in the dependency injection container

edited Oct '15

I probably can't solve your problem. However i dont have setDefaultModule in my routes.

$this->add('/', array(
            'module' => 'home',
            'controller' => 'index',
            'action' => 'index',
            'namespace' => 'MY_NS\Home\Controllers\\'

but my guess is that you problem comes from Module.php

( its a pure guess I am not master of those views / layouts I had many issues with them )

//edit you define View in your DI for this module right ? Show us Module.php "registerServices" function

edited Oct '15

Thanks for reply @Izo,

It seems that in your example you need to define routes manually each time. Not the case I'm looking for.

In my Module.php I load services dynamically:

public function registerServices(DiInterface $di)
        // list of services that should be defined
        $services = [

        // iterate over services and define/set them
        foreach($services as $serviceNameSpace){

            /** @var \Modules\Common\Services\AbstractService $service */
            $service = new $serviceNameSpace;

Views service contains:

        $this->_calls = [

            // set views directory
                'method'    => 'setViewsDir',
                'arguments' => [
                        'type'  => 'parameter',
                        'value' => $this->_di->get('config')->application->dirs->views

            // set template engine
                'method' => 'registerEngines',
                'arguments' => [
                        'type' => 'parameter',
                        'value' => [
                            '.volt' => function(){

                                $volt = new \Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Volt($this->resolve(), $this->_di);

                                    'compiledPath'      => $this->_di->get('config')->application->dirs->cache,
                                    'compiledSeparator' => '_'

                                return $volt;
                            '.phtml' => 'Phalcon\Mvc\View\Engine\Php'

Router service contains:

protected $_calls = [
            'method'    => 'setDefaultModule',
            'arguments' => [
                    'type'  => 'parameter',
                    'value' => 'tools'

            'method' => 'add',
            'arguments' => [
                    'type' => 'parameter',
                    'value' => '/:module/:controller/:action/:params'

                    'type' => 'parameter',
                    'value' => [
                        'module'     => 1,
                        'controller' => 2,
                        'action'     => 3,
                        'params'     => 4

            'method'    => 'removeExtraSlashes',
            'arguments' => [
                    'type'  => 'parameter',
                    'value' => true

$this->_calls / protected $_calls - is an array that will be passed as setter injection: https://docs.phalcon.io/en/latest/reference/di.html#setter-injection

edited Oct '15

what's the name of the module here and the exact url ? ( where you have issues )


also go to this module Module.php, inside registerServices function type :

echo "yeaa";exit;

just to be sure, I had this issue recentyly and my router wansnt working correctly ( so my module wasnt initiated at all ).

also i had issues with namespacing ( capital and small letters ).

in those cases I had the same error


Module works. And routing also works with setDefaultModule The question was if its possible to define dynamic routing without setDefaultModule like in head post example.



Hi Alex, I am trying to start a large project with multi-module(publisher/advertiser/admin/common/apiv1/apiv2 etc), multi-database(pubdb/advdb etc), could you please share your project folder structure with code? Thanks in advance.



when generated it has few errors, like warrning etc... you have to put fre $di = \Phalcon\DiInterface in few function params and thats pretty much it. It works works with multi module like a charm