hiho im a new one
if i use Session i got this error message Call to undefined function session_status()
PHP 5.3.10-1 ubuntu3.15 phalcon 2.0.8
- Returns the status of the current session. For PHP 5.3 this function will always return SESSION_NONE
- var_dump($session->status());
- // PHP 5.4 and above will give meaningful messages, 5.3 gets SESSION_NONE always
- if ($session->status() !== $session::SESSION_ACTIVE) {
- $session->start();
} </code> /
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Session_Adapter, status) {
int ZEPHIR_LAST_CALL_STATUS; zval *status = NULL; ZEPHIR_MM_GROW(); if (!(zephir_is_php_version(**50300**))) { ZEPHIR_CALL_FUNCTION(&status, "session_status", NULL, 61); zephir_check_call_status(); do { if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(status, 0)) { RETURN_MM_LONG(0); } if (ZEPHIR_IS_LONG(status, 2)) { RETURN_MM_LONG(2); } } while(0); } RETURN_MM_LONG(1);