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Disable ORM cache during development and for testing


Using phalcon 2.0.1, I have added ORM caching to my project:

$di->set('modelsCache', function () use () {
    $frontCache = new FrontData(
            "lifetime" => 172800
    $cache = new BackFile(
            "cacheDir" => $directory,
    return $cache;

Now I would like to disable this during development and for automated testing. I use the ORM caching in the form:

    'id != :id:',
    'bind' => array(
        'id' => $id,
    'cache' => array(
        'key' => 'my_cache_key',
        'lifetime' => 3600,

If I simply omit adding the cache component to the dependency injection container, the cache component will complain as soon as I call a find method with the cache key.

The logged error is:

Service 'modelsCache' wasn't found in the dependency injection container

So, how can I disable the Cache? Anyway of stubbing the Backend Cache? I know that I could create a dummy Backend Cache component that implements the BackendInterface, but I figured that there must be a way of disabling the cache.



$this->di->set('modelsCache', function(){

            $frontCache = new FrontendData(
                    "lifetime" => 186400

            $cache = new Redis($frontCache, array(
                'host' => '',
                'port' => 6379,
                "statsKey" => '_PHCM'

            if (APPLICATION_ENV === 'development'){

            return $cache;
        }, true);

Could you just set the cache lifetime to 1?

edited Dec '15

What about this

class NoneBackend extends \Phalcon\Cache\Backend implements \Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface
    public function delete($keyName)

    public function exists($keyName = null, $lifetime = null)

    public function get($keyName, $lifetime = null)

    public function queryKeys($prefix = null)

    public function save($keyName = null, $content = null, $lifetime = null, $stopBuffer = true)

For phpunit I created Mock class,

$cacheMock = $this->createMock( \Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Redis::class);

$cacheMock->expects($this->any()) ->method('save')->willReturn(true);

$cacheMock->expects($this->any()) ->method('get')->willReturn(null);

$cacheMock->expects($this->any()) ->method('delete')->willReturn(true);

$cacheMock->expects($this->any()) ->method('exists')->willReturn(true);

$this->di->getService('modelsCache') ->setSharedInstance($cacheMock);