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How to work with csrf token in Phalcon (Per Session) [A Good Solution]

I worked with phalcon and it's amazing. I use ajax for all of my requests. After many updates I had problem with Phalon's built-in CSRF library. I read many topics in phalcon's forum and stackoverflow. None of them helped me much.

As many of you know, if you use Phalcons methods for handling CSRF, there will be a prblem with mutiple windows/tabs.

So I made a solution myself and of course I tried "per session" method. And I also used Phalcon's built-in CSRF library to make token for a session.

I wrote this library:

namespace Your\Namespace\Library;
 * Class TokenManager
 * @package Your\Namespace\Library
class TokenManager extends \Phalcon\Mvc\User\Component
     * Generates token per session
    public function generateToken($type)
        $this->session->set('sessionToken' . $type, [
            'tokenKey' => $this->security->getTokenKey(),
            'tokenValue' => $this->security->getToken()
     * Checks token given values against session values
     * @param $tokenKey
     * @param $tokenValue
     * @return bool
    public function checkToken($type, $tokenKey, $tokenValue)
        if ($this->session->has('sessionToken' . $type)) {
            $token = $this->session->get('sessionToken' . $type);
            if ($token['tokenKey'] == $tokenKey && $token['tokenValue'] == $tokenValue) {
                return true;
            return false;
        return false;
     * Checks if user have token or not
     * @return bool
    public function doesUserHaveToken($type)
        if ($this->session->has('sessionToken' . $type)) {
            return true;
        return false;
     * Gets token values from session
     * @return array|bool
    public function getToken($type)
        if ($this->session->has('sessionToken' . $type)) {
            $token = $this->session->get('sessionToken' . $type);
            return [
                'tokenKey' => $token['tokenKey'],
                'tokenValue' => $token['tokenValue']
        return false;

In controller file I wrote this:


namespace Your\Namespace\Contollers;

use Your\Namespace\Library\TokenManager;

class SomeController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller
    public $tokenManager;

    public function initialize()
        $this->tokenManager = new TokenManager();
        if (!$this->tokenManager->doesUserHaveToken('User')) {

        $this->view->token = $this->tokenManager->getToken('User');

    public function ajaxAction()
        if (!$this->request->isPost() || !$this->request->isAjax()) {

        if (!$this->tokenManager->checkToken('User', $this->request->getPost('tokenKey'), $this->request->getPost('tokenValue'))) {
            // Json Output

For html part:

    <input type="hidden" id="token" name="{{ token['tokenKey'] }}" value="{{ token['tokenValue'] }}">

For js (I use jQuery) and ajax:

        type: 'post',
        url: 'path/to/ajax',
        dataType: 'json',
        data: {
            tokenKey: $('#token').attr('name'),
            tokenValue: $('#token').attr('value'),
            otherData: 'blah blah blah'

Hope its helpfull.


Hi Mohammad

This is great tip, could you post this tip to https://phalcontip.com/?

Hi. Thanks. Yeah. Why not.

Hi Mohammad

This is great tip, could you post this tip to https://phalcontip.com/?