Criteria::fromInput is a cool feature for searching records in your db, When I try to search in a varchar field, it will return a LIKE statement (i.e. username LIKE :username:) When I try to search in a text field it will return a normal = statement (i.e. description = :description:)
In the phalcon documentation (explaining INVO) on url: https://docs.phalcon.io/en/latest/reference/tutorial-invo.html It says:
If the field data type is text or similar (char, varchar, text, etc.) It uses an SQL “like” operator to filter the results. If the data type is not text or similar, it’ll use the operator “=”.
My question:
Is this a bug, or do I forgot something?
$query = Criteria::fromInput($this->di,"Categories",$criteria);
$extra = $this->modelsManager->createBuilder($query->getParams());