Why cant user edit this record ? I guess beacause its not added by him/ not added by his shop(for example) or whatever other reason. He cant just edit it beacause not.
Then you need some information about this record, how you gonna get it if you dont wanna do query ?
You can use my branch of phalcon, after compile phalcon its adding two new interfaces: Roleable and Resourceable. Then your model must implement Resourceable, and your user class(model) Roleable. Then you can do something like this:
$acl->allow('SomeRole','SomeResource','update',function(UserClass $user, ModelClass $model){
return $user->getId() == $model->getUser();
If getUser() ofc will return id of user.
And then somewhere in code you can do this:
If you just want to hardcoded it that some role just cant edit id=3 noe matter what is this then you have something wrong. There must be some reason.