I love Phalcon but I run into so many issues as it is my first time programing. Unfortuantly after paying for Udemy Phalcon tutorials and realizing that just like the vimeo tutorials teaches you absolultiy nothing, I decided to move to laravel. Not sure if any of you seen the Laracast video but wow, what an amazing work. I was able to get going and rather then figureing out he bootstrap file for 6 hours, I was acutally able to create an aplication. Not only that they explained what every dam comma and curly bracket did but also how to use the IDE for the best programing experiance.
And here is where most people will be like " well virgil did you see the 15 minutes poll video" yes i did see it. Most of the video the only thing i seen was a bunch or stuff written on the screen with the coment from the uploader as " well what we are doing here is getting the controller ready" yes that helped a lot, thanks but i cant even understand y there is a curly bracked at the start of the function, what does it do and y is it there?
This is a post of frustration on how nobody has been able to make some sort of quick step by step video tutorial for phalcon, with so many advenced users here.
No worries after going through laravel, I have decided to come back to phalcon. Now it seems much simpler as i already know most of the things in regards to php, routing and delcarations. So with all that said I have to give many thanks to Laravel for the amazing work in truly developing something for first time users.
I really hope that somebody will do it here also, I know I cant, because i am far away from knowing anything. But just as I have payed for Laracast 9$ a month, I would pay here to support the movement.