I am using phalcon 3.0, php7 and the newest vokuro version, but i get a notice.
Here is the notice:
Notice: Undefined property: Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset\Simple::$diverse
This is my Papers.php model:
public function initialize()
$this->belongsTo('usersId', __NAMESPACE__ . '\Users', 'id', [
'alias' => 'user'
And my Users.php Model:
$this->hasMany('id', __NAMESPACE__ . '\Papers', 'usersId', [
'alias' => 'paper',
'foreignKey' => [
'message' => 'User cannot be deleted because he/she has activity in the system'
The volt index.volt:
{{ user.paper.diverse }}
Thank you for your help :-)
Rgds Stefan