Here is my implementation, it's not the best, but you will get the idea and can come up with something better :)
function createSystemMessageModal($options)
var title = $options.title || ' ';
var size = $options.size || 'modal-sm';
var zIndex = 9999 + $('.modal').length + 1;
var $html = '<div class="modal fade placeholder-modal" id="placeholderModal-'+ zIndex +'" tabindex="-1" style="z-index: '+ zIndex +';" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="placeholderModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">';
$html+= '<div class="modal-dialog '+ size +'">';
$html+= '<div class="modal-content">';
$html+= '<div class="modal-header">';
$html+= '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="' + translations.close + '"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>';
$html+= '<h4 class="modal-title" id="placeholderModalLabel">' + title + '</h4>';
$html+= '</div>';
if ($options.content) {
$html+= '<div class="modal-body">';
$html+= $options.content;
$html+= '</div>';
$html+= '<div class="modal-footer">';
$html+= '<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline modal-footer-close" data-dismiss="modal">' + translations.close + '</button>';
if ($options.additionalButtons) {
$html+= $options.additionalButtons;
$html+= '</div>';
$html+= '</div>';
$html+= '</div>';
$html+= '</div>';
$('#placeholderModal-'+ zIndex).modal({
show: true
// Focus first button (Fake delay due to Chrome bug...)
$('#placeholderModal-'+ zIndex +' .modal-footer .btn:first-child').trigger('focus');
}, 500);
{% if flash.has('success') OR flash.has('warning') OR flash.has('notice') OR flash.has('error') %}
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
title: ' ',
content: '{{ flash.output() }}',
size: 'modal-sm'
{% endif %}