I use two different database services in my Phalcon application.
- db: Global database with system-wide data, including accounts and users
- db_data: This database hosts customer-specific data. The database-name is different for each customer/account. This is determined when the customer sign in.
This works in the web application, when I have one account active. Now I have a cronjob, that is going to loop through a table in the global "db" database. And after it is going to connect to the specific "db_data" database.
This works for the first account, but after this it will not connect to the new database. It still use the first initiated database.
The db_data service is a shared service in the services.php:
$di->set('db_data', function () use ($config, $di) {
if(!$di->getCore()->getAccount()) {
throw new \MyNamespace\Exception(_('Account is not set. Can not load account database.'));
$eventsManager = $di->getShared('eventsManager');
$dbListener = new \MyNamespace\Module\Core\Helper\Model\DatabaseListener();
$eventsManager->attach('db_data', $dbListener);
$connection = new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql(array(
'host' => $config->database->host,
'username' => $config->database->username,
'password' => $config->database->password,
'dbname' => $config->database->data_dbname_prefix.$di->getCore()->getAccount()->id,
'name' => 'data',
return $connection;
}, true);
In the first model in "db" i have the following in the initialize() function:
In the second model in "db_data" i have the following in the initialize() function:
Here is an example of the cron PHP-file:
$screens = \MyNamespace\Module\DigitalSignage\Model\Screen::find(array(
'conditions' => 'deleted_at IS NULL',
foreach($screens as $screen) {
$campaign = \MyNamespace\Module\DigitalSignage\Model\Campaign::findFirst(array(
'conditions' => 'id = :id: AND account_id = :account_id: AND deleted_at IS NULL',
'bind' => array(
'id' => $screen->digitalsignage_campaign_id,
'account_id' => $console->getDi()->getCore()->getAccount()->id,
What is the correct way to change the database service parameteres after first initiation?
Phalcon version: 3.2.2 PHP version: 7.0.22