use Phalcon\Loader;
use Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;
use Phalcon\Mvc\View;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Url as UrlProvider;
use Phalcon\Mvc\Application;
// Define some absolute path constants to aid in locating resources
define('BASE_PATH', dirname(__DIR__));
define('APP_PATH', BASE_PATH . '/app');
// ...
$loader = new Loader();
APP_PATH . '/controllers/',
APP_PATH . '/models/',
// Create a DI
$di = new FactoryDefault();
// Setup the view component
function () {
$view = new View();
$view->setViewsDir(APP_PATH . '/views/');
return $view;
// Setup a base URI
function () {
$url = new UrlProvider();
return $url;
$application = new Application($di);
try {
$response = $application->handle();
} catch (\Exception $e){
echo 'Exception: ', $e->getMessage();
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