I am going to put a basic plugin up on github tomorrow, (or today it's already 1:12 here, still working :) ) and I'll start with a type provider for the dependency injector. So that we'll be able to do $di->get('obscure-service')-> and get auto-complete / code inspection right from there... What I will need though is alot of feedback, because we're starting to migrate most of our work over to phalcon, and I've been asked to write some helper extensions at work, but maybe "our way" of using phalcon isn't something that everyone does, as phalcon is very flexible, so I'll need some feedback later on, to make this plugin usable for every use case of phalcon. As for what I'll be writing at work for phalcon extensions, I've been give full permission to open source it, so I'll do some work at work time and I'll also do at least 1-2 hours at home when possible