I've looked at the incubator repo on GitHub for the MySQL session adapter and it seems that it's not up to date with Phalcon 4.x in terms of getting sessions logged within MySQL rather than relying on the Stream adapter to store sessions via files.
I have an app that is starting to get massive traffic and while I'm able to spin up more servers in a load balancer, it becomes an issue keeping the session files synced between multiple servers. If a user on server A gets logged in and then is kicked to server B because of load balancing, they aren't logged in anymore and have to re-create their session.
I'm trying to figure out either a.) what needs to be done to get that incubator script up to date, b.) need an already up to date adapter that someone knows of or c.) how exactly to create my own adapter to properly work with the session adapter interface.
I've been google searching this issue for weeks now and I find it weird nobody has found a solution yet. Maybe I'm missing a thread that got buried?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. - On a side note, is there any way with the Stream Adapter for sessions to be set to a time limit? I'm having trouble finding how to do that in the docs.