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Phalcon 4.0.6 Unknown statement 314 (Volt cache problem)

Hi! We are updated our project to Phalcon 4 and get such problem. In our volt template where we have cache tag (for example {%cache 'qwerty' %} <some data goes here> {%endcache%}) we got next error:

Unknown statement 314 in ..index.volt on line 102

When I remove cache tags all goes ok. Can anybody helps me to solve this problem?



This functionality has been removed from Phalcon, but the docs is not up-to-date there. More info here: https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon/issues/14907

Thanks a lot!


This functionality has been removed from Phalcon, but the docs is not up-to-date there. More info here: https://github.com/phalcon/cphalcon/issues/14907

The information is very useful.